Dr Andrea Lung, Dr Coniela Sgroi and Dr Amanda Nutting are all experienced GP’s who are accredited to provide Shared Antenatal Care. They enjoy providing this service and find it very rewarding.
Shared Antenatal Care
Women can be seen regularly by their GP of choice who is familiar with their medical history. It reduces the number of hospital visits and waiting times at hospital outpatient clinics.
The GP and the hospital will complete a shared antenatal record. It is important to bring this to each visit.
Please advise reception staff that you require a shared antenatal consultation when booking an appointment.
Our experienced Practice Nurses will see antenatal patients prior to the GP.
Certain medical conditions such as diabetes mean that some women are not suitable for shared antenatal care.
Pre Pregnancy and Early Pregnancy Care
It is helpful to make a double appointment for pre pregnancy advice. We take antenatal screen pathology. We update Immunisations and take family history. Advice is provided for pregnancy vitamins and necessary lifestyle changes.
A double appointment is also important when confirming pregnancy. We provide first trimester referrals. To clarify, this includes maternal serum screening, and hospital and specialist referrals. We have an excellent referral base for radiology services expert in antenatal diagnostic screening.
We see women each month until week 30. Then each two weeks from week 30 to 36, and weekly thereafter.
Hospital visits usually occur for an initial assessment and then at week 28, 36 and 41.
The initial GP appointment is 30 minutes and then may be 15-30 minutes thereafter with the practice nurse seeing the woman first.
Post Natal Review
There is a 6 week post natal review. To clarify, this is a 30 minute appointment for the woman, and a 30 minute appointment for the baby.
It is very important to bring the baby’s Health and Development Book (Green book) along to every appointment. Information including height, weight and vaccinations are added to our database.
To book an appointment with one of our accredited GPs, please contact us.